Saturday, November 7, 2009
Life in New Zealand
New Zealand is a very beautiful country and very clean. This photo was taken at Goodley Head mountain. I can eat everything here even pie or biscuit. I gain more than 5kg now. I'm a bit fat,but my face become great again. All acnes run aways. Haha...I dunno how long it would be like dat.
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Kongkea Chhum
Friday, July 31, 2009
Diabetes is a silent epidemic that claims more lives each year than HIV/ AIDS. In 2007, diabetes caused n estimated 3.5 million deaths across the world, according to the World Diabetes Foundation. Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is higher than it should be because the body cannot use it properly. Glucose comes from the digestion of foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and from sugar and other sweet foods. Diabetes mellitus is commonly referred to as diabetes. The name is derived from the fact that glucose “spills over” into the urine when the blood glucose level is too high. Mellitus means “honey” or “sweet”, references to the sweet taste of urine.
Type of Diabetes
There are two major types of diabetes- type1, which is rare, and type 2, which is common.
- Type 1 diabetes
develops due to the destruction of the insulin- producing cell of the pancreas. Therefore, the pancreas no longer produes insulin or produces very little. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas- known as an autoimmune reaction. It’s not clear why this happens, but it could be sue to genetic reasons or as a result of viral infection. Type 1 diabetes is the least common type. It can develop at any age, but it usually seen in younger age groups.
- Type 2 diabetes
develops when the body cab still make insulin, but either it is not enough, or when the quantity of insulin that is produces is enough but it does not work properly ( known as insulin resistance). This type is most likely to affect people over age 35, who are inactive, have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, or have a particular racial or geographical variation. In Cambodia half of type 2 diabetes patients do not produce enough insulin, are not overweight, while the other half are overweight and insulin resistant. It usually develops gradually and is often undiagnosed for many years. Many people can control this type of diabetes through a programme of diet and exercise.
Who is more likely to develop diabetes?
Diabetes is not contagious. People can not “catch” it from each other. However, certain factors can increase the risk of developing diabetes. People with a family history of type 1 diabetes are at an increase risk of developing the condition. Things that put a person at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes are:
- being Asian
Cambodian, like Indians and other Asians, are genetically disposed to developing diabetes.
- being inactive
People who do little physical exercise are more likely to develop diabetes.
- being overweight
Obesity is a major risk factor but slim people can also develop diabetes.
- being older
Diabetes is more likely in people over the age of 35, but now younger people are developing the disease.
- being a woman who has given birth to a large of baby or has had gestational diabetes
Many women develop form diabetes during pregnancy. Those that do, often give birth to larger babies and are more likely to develop diabetes later in life.
Recognizing Diabetes
Both types of diabetes have obvious symptoms. Among them are: tiredness, drowsiness, blurred vision (intermittent or constant), dry mouth, excessive hunger, excessive thirst, excessive urination.
Management of Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that can not be cured, but good compliance of lifestyle and medical prescription can delay the onset of complications.
- Type 1
Diabetes is treated by insulin injections and diet, and regular exercise is recommended.
- Type 2
Diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet, weight loss and increased physical exercise resulting in a healthier body weight. Tablets and/ or insulin may also be required to achieve normal blood glucose levels.
Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet is key to diabetes management.
A diabetic diet is not seen as a “diet”. It is rather a healthy eating plan. The basic principles of a healthy eating plan are:
- To balance energy intake to energy expenditure
- To maintain or achieve ideal body weight gradually
- To achieve and maintain blood glucose control by eating food with low glucose
- To help prevent and treat complications.
People with diabetes do not need to eat special food, but they should cut down on white rice which contains a lot of glucose, and eat more fruit and vegetable. The glucose of brown rice is more slowly absorbed by the body, thus avoiding the typical blood glucose peaks that are seen after people eat white rice, white bread or pure sugar.
Ten Steps to Eating Well
- Eat a variety of foods at each meal and aim to eat three regular meals a day.
- Eat a small bowl of white rice. Brown rice is better or mix brown rice with white rice.
- Eat lots of vegetables (except potatoes). Increase the amount of fruit (except sweet fruit: durian, longan, pineapple, mangoes). Eat one or two serves of fruit per day.
- Reduce saturated fat and high fat foods such as fried foods (e.g.: deep fried banana), prohok and pork fat.
- Avoid foods with high amounts of sugar such as sweet drinks, sweets or condensed milk.
- Use sunflower, safflower or corn oil during cooking, rather than plam oil or coconut oil or pork fat. Cut fat off meat before cooking.
- Decrease salt intake, e.g. less prohok, MSG, fish sauce, soy sauce and salted meat or fish. Use other flavors (e.g. lemon juice, pepper) and herbs.
- Reduce alcohol, especially strong alcohol like rice wine, whisky.
- Carbohydrates, such as rice and bread should be not more than a quarter of every meal. Vegetables should make up half of each meal.
- Increase the amount of protein in the diet. Good sources of protein include tofu, beans such as kidney bean and soybean, white of eggs and chicken, pork and beef.
Type of Diabetes
There are two major types of diabetes- type1, which is rare, and type 2, which is common.
- Type 1 diabetes
develops due to the destruction of the insulin- producing cell of the pancreas. Therefore, the pancreas no longer produes insulin or produces very little. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas- known as an autoimmune reaction. It’s not clear why this happens, but it could be sue to genetic reasons or as a result of viral infection. Type 1 diabetes is the least common type. It can develop at any age, but it usually seen in younger age groups.
- Type 2 diabetes
develops when the body cab still make insulin, but either it is not enough, or when the quantity of insulin that is produces is enough but it does not work properly ( known as insulin resistance). This type is most likely to affect people over age 35, who are inactive, have a family history of diabetes, are overweight, or have a particular racial or geographical variation. In Cambodia half of type 2 diabetes patients do not produce enough insulin, are not overweight, while the other half are overweight and insulin resistant. It usually develops gradually and is often undiagnosed for many years. Many people can control this type of diabetes through a programme of diet and exercise.
Who is more likely to develop diabetes?
Diabetes is not contagious. People can not “catch” it from each other. However, certain factors can increase the risk of developing diabetes. People with a family history of type 1 diabetes are at an increase risk of developing the condition. Things that put a person at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes are:
- being Asian
Cambodian, like Indians and other Asians, are genetically disposed to developing diabetes.
- being inactive
People who do little physical exercise are more likely to develop diabetes.
- being overweight
Obesity is a major risk factor but slim people can also develop diabetes.
- being older
Diabetes is more likely in people over the age of 35, but now younger people are developing the disease.
- being a woman who has given birth to a large of baby or has had gestational diabetes
Many women develop form diabetes during pregnancy. Those that do, often give birth to larger babies and are more likely to develop diabetes later in life.
Recognizing Diabetes
Both types of diabetes have obvious symptoms. Among them are: tiredness, drowsiness, blurred vision (intermittent or constant), dry mouth, excessive hunger, excessive thirst, excessive urination.
Management of Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that can not be cured, but good compliance of lifestyle and medical prescription can delay the onset of complications.
- Type 1
Diabetes is treated by insulin injections and diet, and regular exercise is recommended.
- Type 2
Diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet, weight loss and increased physical exercise resulting in a healthier body weight. Tablets and/ or insulin may also be required to achieve normal blood glucose levels.
Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet is key to diabetes management.
A diabetic diet is not seen as a “diet”. It is rather a healthy eating plan. The basic principles of a healthy eating plan are:
- To balance energy intake to energy expenditure
- To maintain or achieve ideal body weight gradually
- To achieve and maintain blood glucose control by eating food with low glucose
- To help prevent and treat complications.
People with diabetes do not need to eat special food, but they should cut down on white rice which contains a lot of glucose, and eat more fruit and vegetable. The glucose of brown rice is more slowly absorbed by the body, thus avoiding the typical blood glucose peaks that are seen after people eat white rice, white bread or pure sugar.
Ten Steps to Eating Well
- Eat a variety of foods at each meal and aim to eat three regular meals a day.
- Eat a small bowl of white rice. Brown rice is better or mix brown rice with white rice.
- Eat lots of vegetables (except potatoes). Increase the amount of fruit (except sweet fruit: durian, longan, pineapple, mangoes). Eat one or two serves of fruit per day.
- Reduce saturated fat and high fat foods such as fried foods (e.g.: deep fried banana), prohok and pork fat.
- Avoid foods with high amounts of sugar such as sweet drinks, sweets or condensed milk.
- Use sunflower, safflower or corn oil during cooking, rather than plam oil or coconut oil or pork fat. Cut fat off meat before cooking.
- Decrease salt intake, e.g. less prohok, MSG, fish sauce, soy sauce and salted meat or fish. Use other flavors (e.g. lemon juice, pepper) and herbs.
- Reduce alcohol, especially strong alcohol like rice wine, whisky.
- Carbohydrates, such as rice and bread should be not more than a quarter of every meal. Vegetables should make up half of each meal.
- Increase the amount of protein in the diet. Good sources of protein include tofu, beans such as kidney bean and soybean, white of eggs and chicken, pork and beef.
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
Saturday, July 18, 2009
There are many news related to AH1N1. Most of the country in the world has faced this disease unexpected and they decided to close some schools for a while to prevent AH1N1. According to news on radio advertise in my area, he told us many ways to prevent from AH1N1 like things to do and thing don’t have to do. Cold is a symptom of AH1N1, so you should take care yourself from cold.
Lacking of vitamin C is one of the main factors that can lead us to get cold easily. We should eat vitamin C everyday. Find some fruits that contain Vitamin C and eat it everyday.
As you know, garlic is one of the recipes that we need the most in cooking. We can use garlic many ways in health. Eat garlic 3times a day and each time with 3 pieces of garlic can help you to prevent from AH1N1. The percentage of immunity is 70%.
You should not use much seasoning in cooking. Seasoning reduces vitamin C in vegetables and foods. We should other recipe in cooking to make it more delicious. I hope you all will not affect from AH1N1.
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Kongkea Chhum
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
National Musuem
After I finished with the Royal Palace, I continued my trip to National Musuem. National Musuem with a new decoration is so attractive. Not only local people but foreigners are impressed with that. Sorry that I dont have photo to show you. The new decoration have started since last year, but I just realized about that. The museum looks clean and fresh especially the statues stand so lively and happily. All statues smile to welcome the visitors. Whenever I step into museum room, I feel like I went back to past and fight to get everything back. I'm so proud to be Cambodian.
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Kongkea Chhum
Royal Palace
After Khmer New Year, my sister and I visited Royal Palace. Even the sun was so sunny, but my trip was pretty good. It have been 3 years for me since my last visited with my friends from high school. It's so beautiful. Most of visitors were Vietnamese. Cambodian was bout 10% on that day. The security guard thought I was Vietnamese till I spoke Khmer and laugh in Khmer.Haha... How could this happen? The security guard said how could he confused? There are many places that just built. I dont know when they were built., but when i arrived there. They are just beautiful. I cant decribe that. What I remeber the most is the last room which full of paint. It's about Water Festival and Odong. I really enjoy this trip. I barely step out of the Royal Palace.
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Kongkea Chhum
Party Before Khmer New Year
Do these fruit look delicious? Yeah, they do. We celebrated a small party before Khmer New Year. Everyone had brought their own fruit to join the party. It was such a long time that we have not celebrate such a party like that. Nareth, Leng and Nith all feel so relax after a long fighting with their studying. Now it's finally thier vocation. Haha... I think when I'm writing this page, i think they have started their studying then. Anyway this season is a season of mango, so most of the fruit are mango. I cant forget the taste of mango (the white one) that Nith brought on that day. Unique taste!!! Thanks Nareth. I like your fruit so much. I still remember on that day the first thing was finished first was Jelly that Leng brought.
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Kongkea Chhum
Monday, March 30, 2009
When I woke up in the morning, I felt great. My reminder rang and made everyone in the house wake up. Today is 31.03.2009. It is so special for me. It is my wedding anniversary. It has been two years that i have been married. That called Cotton Anniversary. The time is pretty fast. It was like yesterday. Yeah... I wish all my girlfriends get married. Haha... I dont think so. They are just like addicted to studying and never care what is love. Well... They are all good students. Enjoys your being single and always step forward. Follows your dream and never gives up.
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Kongkea Chhum
Saturday, February 21, 2009

I had found all these stuff in puzzle book and it makes me wanna show these to you all. What does it call when you married in one year? How about next? It will show you all here. Happy anniversry starts...
1st Paper
2nd Cotton
3rd Leather
4th Fruit
5th Wood
6th Iron
7th Wool
8th Bronze
9th Pottery
10th Tin
11th Steel
12th Silk
13th Lace
14th Ivory
15th Crystal
20th China
25th Silver
30th Pearl
35th Coral
40th Ruby
45th Sapphire
50th Gold
55th Emerald
60th Diamond
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
F4 or Boys over Flowers

Boys over Flowers is a new series drama which is playing on KBS World. F4 stands for Boys over Flowers or four flies. Yeah it’s similar to F4 Taiwan and F4 Japanese. It just started playing on KBS World on 9 February 2009. It plays on Monday to Tuesday from 8:15pm to 9:15pm.Trust me you will laugh till your stomach get hurt. All F4 are my favorites.
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
Kidney Stones

What are kidney stones?
Kidney stones are accumulations of mineral salts that can lodge anywhere along the course of the urinary tract. Normally, these salts would stay in a solution. If the system that keeps it a solution is overwhelmed or a person’s immunity becomes depressed these substances can crystallize and begin to clump together. Then they stick together, they form small “pebbles”. They can be as small as grains of sand or as large as golf balls. They may stay in your kidneys or travel out of your body through the urinary tract. The urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It is made up of the kidneys, the tubes that can connect the kidneys to the bladder, and the tube that leads from the bladder out of the body. When a stone travels through the system, it may cause no pain or it may cause great pain and various other symptoms.
What cause kidney stones?
Kidney stones form when a change occurs in the normal balance of water, salts, mineral, and other things found in urine. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. About 80% of all kidney stones are calcium stones. When calcium is increased in the urine, they eventually cause a stone. High calcium levels can come from excessive absorption of calcium from the intestines, a malfunctioning parathyroid gland (tiny glands in the neck that regulate calcium levels), as well as the consumption of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar. Stones can also come from urinary infections. There is also a rare genetic defect.
People with Chrohn’ Disease, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or someone who digests as large as amount of oxalic acid will have an increased risk of kidney stones. Other risk factors are low urine volume, low bodily pH and reduced production of natural urinary inhibitors of crystalline formation. Kidney stones are 10 times as common now as they were in the early 1900s, while the consumption of foods high in oxalic acid (mostly eggs, fish and certain vegetables) has declined the amount of animal fats and protein the average American diet has increased.
What are the symptoms?
Kidney stones often cause no pain while they are in the kidneys, but they can cause sudden, severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder. Symptoms may be severe pain in your side, belly, or groin or the urine may look pink or red. It can also make a person feel sick to their stomach (nausea) and they may vomit. Kidney stones may not cause any pain. If this is the case, you may learn you have them when your doctor finds them during a test, or when you pass a stone.
How are they treated?
For most stones, drinking enough water to keep your urine clear, or about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day will help flush the stones out. There are also various other natural methods to get the stones to pass (see below).
If this is pain, drink the juice of half a fresh lemon in 8 ounces of water every hour until the pain subsides. You can also alternate between lemon juice and fresh apple juice.
If a stone is too large to pass on its own, or if it gets stuck in the urinary tract, you may need more treatment. About 1 or 2 out of every 10 kidneys stones needs more than home treatment.
The most common medical treatment is shock waves to break a kidney stone into small pieces. The bits can pass out of the body in your urine.
Prevention of further stones and goods kidney function
Drink plenty of water – at least 3 quarts a day. The first most important measure to prevent stones from forming is to increase water consumption. Water dilutes urine and helps prevent concentrations of the minerals and salts that can from stones.
Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to help acidify the urine (unless you are prone to uric acid stones).
Drinking the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of warm water every morning can prevent stones from forming.
Increase the consumption of fresh foods rich in Vitamin A. It is beneficial to the urinary tract and helps to discourage the formation of stones. Great sources of Vitamins A include alfalfa, apricots, cantaloupes, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and squash.
Minimizing consumption of animal fats is another method. A high-animal protein diet causes the body to excrete calcium, phosphorus, and uric acid in the kidneys and often resulting in painful kidney stones.
Avoid carbonated drinks.
Avoid refined sugar. Sugar stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which in turn causes extra calcium to be excreted in the urine.
Stay active. People who are sedentary tend to accumulate high levels of calcium in the blood stream. Exercise helps pull calcium from the blood into the bones, where it belongs.
A safe and natural home remedy that has helped thousands of other kidney stone sufferers dissolve their kidney stones into small, sand-like particles, and then pass them without pain.
(Source: Healthy Kidney 2006)
Prepared and Researched by Mr. Tia Vannareth.
Kidney stones are accumulations of mineral salts that can lodge anywhere along the course of the urinary tract. Normally, these salts would stay in a solution. If the system that keeps it a solution is overwhelmed or a person’s immunity becomes depressed these substances can crystallize and begin to clump together. Then they stick together, they form small “pebbles”. They can be as small as grains of sand or as large as golf balls. They may stay in your kidneys or travel out of your body through the urinary tract. The urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It is made up of the kidneys, the tubes that can connect the kidneys to the bladder, and the tube that leads from the bladder out of the body. When a stone travels through the system, it may cause no pain or it may cause great pain and various other symptoms.
What cause kidney stones?
Kidney stones form when a change occurs in the normal balance of water, salts, mineral, and other things found in urine. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. About 80% of all kidney stones are calcium stones. When calcium is increased in the urine, they eventually cause a stone. High calcium levels can come from excessive absorption of calcium from the intestines, a malfunctioning parathyroid gland (tiny glands in the neck that regulate calcium levels), as well as the consumption of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar. Stones can also come from urinary infections. There is also a rare genetic defect.
People with Chrohn’ Disease, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or someone who digests as large as amount of oxalic acid will have an increased risk of kidney stones. Other risk factors are low urine volume, low bodily pH and reduced production of natural urinary inhibitors of crystalline formation. Kidney stones are 10 times as common now as they were in the early 1900s, while the consumption of foods high in oxalic acid (mostly eggs, fish and certain vegetables) has declined the amount of animal fats and protein the average American diet has increased.
What are the symptoms?
Kidney stones often cause no pain while they are in the kidneys, but they can cause sudden, severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder. Symptoms may be severe pain in your side, belly, or groin or the urine may look pink or red. It can also make a person feel sick to their stomach (nausea) and they may vomit. Kidney stones may not cause any pain. If this is the case, you may learn you have them when your doctor finds them during a test, or when you pass a stone.
How are they treated?
For most stones, drinking enough water to keep your urine clear, or about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day will help flush the stones out. There are also various other natural methods to get the stones to pass (see below).
If this is pain, drink the juice of half a fresh lemon in 8 ounces of water every hour until the pain subsides. You can also alternate between lemon juice and fresh apple juice.
If a stone is too large to pass on its own, or if it gets stuck in the urinary tract, you may need more treatment. About 1 or 2 out of every 10 kidneys stones needs more than home treatment.
The most common medical treatment is shock waves to break a kidney stone into small pieces. The bits can pass out of the body in your urine.
Prevention of further stones and goods kidney function
Drink plenty of water – at least 3 quarts a day. The first most important measure to prevent stones from forming is to increase water consumption. Water dilutes urine and helps prevent concentrations of the minerals and salts that can from stones.
Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to help acidify the urine (unless you are prone to uric acid stones).
Drinking the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of warm water every morning can prevent stones from forming.
Increase the consumption of fresh foods rich in Vitamin A. It is beneficial to the urinary tract and helps to discourage the formation of stones. Great sources of Vitamins A include alfalfa, apricots, cantaloupes, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and squash.
Minimizing consumption of animal fats is another method. A high-animal protein diet causes the body to excrete calcium, phosphorus, and uric acid in the kidneys and often resulting in painful kidney stones.
Avoid carbonated drinks.
Avoid refined sugar. Sugar stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which in turn causes extra calcium to be excreted in the urine.
Stay active. People who are sedentary tend to accumulate high levels of calcium in the blood stream. Exercise helps pull calcium from the blood into the bones, where it belongs.
A safe and natural home remedy that has helped thousands of other kidney stone sufferers dissolve their kidney stones into small, sand-like particles, and then pass them without pain.
(Source: Healthy Kidney 2006)
Prepared and Researched by Mr. Tia Vannareth.
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dangerous Snack to Eat!!!!

1. Hotdog
Dont eat any kind of hotdog. It is really dangerous to eat. 2g of hotdog for everybody per day is perfect. It causes cancer if you eat too much. Sometimes it makes you vomitting.
2. Artifical flavour
There are many kinds of things that contains artificial flavour. Sometimes it is like cream flavour, juice, crab, meat, yogurt, strawberry juice or gum. All of these stuff contain artificial flavour. Check bottle before you choose sth to eat. Gum or mint contain 0.1g of artificial flavour. Artificial flavour causes lung cancer. Gum is 10 times dangerous from fresh thing.
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Kongkea Chhum
Monday, January 26, 2009
Supermen for 2009

David Archuleta was an American idol candidate. He was only 16 years old when he had registered. The Final Round David Cook had won the competition. During these few months, David Archuleta has released a new album that contains the most romantic songs like Crush, Your eyes don’t lie, Touch your hand…. It’s hard to believe that he has a big succeed for his first album. David has a great smile and when he is singing, it’s touching. Hope all my friends are interested in David as I do.

Kyle XY is a new series drama that is playing on Star World. The leader actor names Kyle. This drama is talking about Kyle that don’t know who he is and where he from. Then Nicole, psychologist, decides to take Kyle to her family and to regain the memory. Day by day the memory that Kyle remember is blur, so he needs a lot time. But what is abnormal? Kyle is different from other kids in school. He reads a whole book and remembers all at the same time. He is good basketball player, and he can read the lip. Moreover, he has a vision to see the future. In addition, he can use his feeling to control the stuff surround him. One thing that I really know is Kyle falls in love with Amanda at first sight. Jess (Nicole’s son) said Kyle is an alien. Haha… Let’s watch this series drama and try to find who Kyle is and where he from. How many powers does he have? This series drama plays on Star World. From Monday to Friday and from 9.00 am to 10.00 am and from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm with time zone in PP.
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
Naruto Comic Book

If you are a Naruto fan and want to read more about Naruto series, you can go to It’s full of Naruto series with English translate. Onemanga serves you with many Japanese cartoons. From 1 episode to 61 episodes of Naruto, Naruto is just a simple kid who is not famous as Sasuke. But from 62 episodes Sasuke is jus a piece of cake Naruto (Haha). Naruto learns more about his Chakra (power), and he can use his fox Chakra. Naruto, Gaara, Neji, Sasuke and Rock Lee are having a miserable memory about the past. Only Naruto and Rock Lee never use their miserable past to control their future. They all try their best for their future. Naruto has Tai Jutsu (physical body), Gen Jutsu (Chakra Control) and Nine-fox-tailed in his body, so he has triple power. But Rock Lee has only Tai Jutsu (physical body), and he does not have Gen Jutsu (Chakra Control). Rock Lee never gives up. He learns to update Tai Jutsu. Naruto and Rock Lee never underestimated someone. They never give up.
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Kongkea Chhum
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Welcome again!!!!!
Welcome again!!!
It was such a long holiday for me. While I was staying on my holiday, there were a lot of celebrations. For New Year, I am sorry sorry Nareth, Leng and Nith. I was overslept and can’t join the conference. And I wish you guys for 2009 with best luck and healthy. For my birthday, thank you so much. It was fun. I was so happy. Haha…
It was such a long holiday for me. While I was staying on my holiday, there were a lot of celebrations. For New Year, I am sorry sorry Nareth, Leng and Nith. I was overslept and can’t join the conference. And I wish you guys for 2009 with best luck and healthy. For my birthday, thank you so much. It was fun. I was so happy. Haha…
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
My sister's birthday
18.01 was my sister’s birthday. It was a small party with 8 people but everyone enjoyed this party. U no what? Leng? It was so sad that you could not join this party with us. My sister’s friends all want to meet super genius. Haha… Taing Family… I think it was not their luck to meet you. But it was their luck as well to meet super eating boy and super laughing girl. I just find out all your nick names. O just kidding… Don’t mind about that nick names. I am so happy when I see you guys enjoy eating and laughing. Wow… after my sister’s birthday party, my house almost becomes Naruto shop. Most of Naruto stuffs are gathering here. Haha…
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
It is so childish when you are watching cartoon. But when you have stress, it relieves you sometimes. Cartoon makes you laugh and make you scared. Sometimes cartoon teach you how to live in the society, which is in the real world. Naruto is my favorite cartoon. Naruto never give up in doing something. Even he is in a lose spot; he is always struggling to achieve it. He is encouraged himself. Naruto is just a cartoon, but it means to me. He Never Give Up His Dream. Sometimes I felt so bad and barely to step forward and I always remember Naruto. He always said Never Give Up!!! Yeah!!! Never Give Up!!! But remember… Naruto is not a good student. He always gets the lowest scores in the class, but he is always increasing the scores. He starts with 0 point and finish with 100 points. Being a creature that lives in the society, you have to Never Give Up. Everything is difficult, and you have to try all your best to achieve your dream. Follow Your Dream and Never Give Up. Make Your Dream becomes Reality.
Posted by
Kongkea Chhum
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